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Trenger jeg tanntråd? Er det skadelig å bleke tennene? Hvordan får jeg bedre ånde? Vi gir deg svarene.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a bite guard?

Should I use a fluoride rinse, and if so, which type?

Can I smoke with the bite guard on?

How long do I need to have a metal wire/brace after the treatment is finished?

What is AirFlow?

What happens if I don't get a root canal?

What can I do myself if I have periodontitis?

Is it painful to straighten teeth with aligners?

Is teeth whitening dangerous?

How should I brush my teeth?

What can I expect during my initial appointment at Blid?

What are the rails made of?

What is periodontitis?

Why should I get a custom-made bite guard when I can get a cheap one at the pharmacy?

Is snus harmful to teeth and oral health?

Can I lose my teeth if I have periodontitis?

Why do I get cavities in my teeth?

What is a dental crown?

Is it dangerous to use toothpaste with fluoride?

Why are my gums bleeding?

What are veneers?

What does 'beginning cavity' mean?

What can I do to avoid icing on my teeth?

How much does an examination cost?

How do I clean and maintain my bite guard?

How is a dental crown made?

I no longer feel pressure on my teeth; can I change my bite guard before the scheduled time?

Should I brush my tongue? How do I do it?

I have lost a bite guard; what should I do?

Should I use dental floss?

How often do I need a dental check-up?

The guards are discolored; what should I do?

What is OPG and when is it used?

What is gingivitis?

How do I book an appointment?

How long do veneers last?

I want veneers on all my front teeth; how much does this cost?

Do I need to have my wisdom teeth removed?

What chemicals are used in the whitening agent from the dental clinic?

How long does a root canal take?

Is diet soda as harmful as regular soda?

What is Clear Correct?

Is it harmful to bleach teeth?

How often should I visit the dental hygienist/dentist?

Why should I use dental floss or interdental brushes?

Do I have to have my wisdom teeth extracted?

Can I drink coffee, tea, wine, beer, etc., with the bite guard on?

What is better, an electric or a manual toothbrush? Should I switch to electric if I use a manual one?

How to maintain a dental crown?

What is a bridge?

What experience do you have with invisible braces?