How to stop icing in the teeth?

Dentist Katrin
February 2024
1 min estimated readingtime

Icing in the teeth can be uncomfortable, but fortunately, there are tips to relieve and prevent this common issue. In this article, we will explain the causes of tooth sensitivity and effective ways.

What causes icing in the teeth?

Tooth sensitivity. or tooth sensitivity, can be caused by various factors, but the common denominator is wear and damage to the teeth. This can be the result of the dissolution of tooth material due to acid attacks (erosion/acidity damage) or exposed tooth necks, damage from excessive brushing with a hard toothbrush, cracks, or loose fillings. If you are unsure, your dentist or dental hygienist can help you investigate the cause.

Is icing in the teeth the same as cavities?

Tooth sensitivity can be a sign of cavities, especially if it hurts when you eat chocolate and other sweets. However, there can also be other causes for these discomforts. If you are experiencing issues, we recommend that you come in for an examination so we can assess whether a treatment plan should be initiated.

Can tartar cause icing in the teeth?

Tartar itself does not cause icing/ sensitivity. That said, it can be a contributing factor, as it can lead to other complications that may, in turn, result in tooth sensitivity.

Can icing go away on its own?

Tooth sensitivity can resolve on its own with good oral hygiene and proper brushing technique. Read more about brushing techniques here. However, if it does not go away on its own, we recommend coming in for a dental examination to determine the cause of the sensitivity. Then we can initiate a treatment plan or provide guidance on measures you can take at home to stop the sensitivity. This may include specific toothpaste, adjustments to your brushing technique and aids, as well as dietary advice.