How to snore less? All about the snoring splint

Dentist Bayar
February 2024
1 min estimated readingtime

Snoring can be a major challenge for both the person who snores and those trying to sleep nearby. Snoring splints are a proven solution for treating snoring and sleep apnea.

Why do you snore?

Snoring occurs when the airways are blocked or obstructed for short periods during sleep, which can also lead to sleep apnea—a condition where you stop breathing for brief moments while sleeping. Both conditions are issues that can have serious consequences for the health and quality of life of the affected person. Snoring is usually most intense when lying on your back because the air has to be forced through a narrow area, amplifying the sound.

How does a snoring splint work?

For those looking to eliminate snoring, an anti-snoring mouthguard is an effective option. These devices are designed to help reduce or eliminate snoring by moving the lower jaw forward and opening up the airways while you sleep. Our mouthguards are made from high-quality materials and provide a comfortable and efficient solution for reducing snoring. They are adjustable to ensure an optimal fit and allow free movement of the lower jaw for a more natural experience. The expected lifespan of an anti-snoring mouthguard is about 4.5 years, and we offer a 2-year warranty. Before having a mouthguard made, you'll need a standard dental examination and an OPG (panoramic X-ray) to identify any other treatment needs. Wondering if an anti-snoring mouthguard is right for you? Book an examination and thorough cleaning here.

What does a snoring splint cost?

With us, the cost for creating a custom-made snoring splint is 9,995 NOK.